Bonus Tools

{modal|iframe=1|width=753|height=423|className=videoNoTitle|Title=}bonus-tools{/modal}Whether you’re learning how to start a cleaning business or simply trying to find new and more effective ways to keep your existing one growing profitably – having the right janitorial software tools can really make all the difference.

CleanGuru Members get three great ones – free.

Daily challenges like scheduling building walkthroughs, tracking your prospects and calculating consumable product costs can be a made a whole lot easier using the following convenient mobile calendar, powerful CRM and useful consumables product calculator.


Track every one of your contacts, appointments, bids, invoices, and work tickets – by company name, automatically using this valuable customer relationship management feature. Plus, our CRM makes it easy to quickly create new cleaning bid proposals by not having to manually enter prospect or customer information multiple times.

You can secure sensitive data and review important notes, such as building access codes and detailed billing information. With over 20 years of practical experience learning the most effective answers to the question of how to get cleaning contracts, Dan and Tony know how critical it is for janitorial service and house cleaning business owners to keep everything they learn about potential clients and existing customers – safe, organized and easy to view.


With the convenient yet powerful mobile calendar that comes FREE with every CleanGuru membership, you’ll not only be able to manage your building walkthrough appointments, but also keep them linked by specific prospect or customer. Plus, you can add your own personal appointments, meetings and to-dos to the calendar – so you can plan your work around your life. Making life easier, more organized – better for cleaning companies is what CleanGuru is all about.

Consumables Calculator

Many janitorial services include cleaning chemicals like window or bowl cleaner in their main monthly price, but when it comes to consumable poly/paper products for the kitchen and bathroom, like toilet paper, hand towels and hand soap, they often want to track, order and stock these items and charge separately for them on the invoice.

To determine how much to charge for this service and these supply items should start with calculating costs. That’s where CleanGuru’s Consumables Calculator can really help.

Pre-loaded with estimated case usage based on number of people using the building and estimated costs for a variety of common kitchen and bathroom supply items, the Consumables Calculator can be a real life saver.

You’ll be able to add your own percentage or dollar requirement for profit to arrive at how much you want to charge your client per item. Getting and keeping your janitorial jobs profitable is the name of the game – and this innovative feature is a bonus tool that can help in a practical and measurable way.

Click on the video on this page for a quick demonstration of how these free bonus tools can make your job easier and your cleaning business more profitable.


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