Email or Print Review

Want a great way to build trust and relationship with your customers?

Stop by, each month, in person, with an impressive, graphical Performance Review for any inspection you select.

Can’t stop by in- person, but still want to build client trust in your commitment to quality?

You can! Simply email an impressive, graphical Performance Review for any inspection directly to your client from your laptop or even your Smartphone using the CleanGuru mobile app.

That’s right, even the times when you can’t make an in-person customer service visit to review cleaning with your client, you can still send a professionally formatted report summarizing your cleaning company’s ongoing, positive commitment to quality.

CleanQC Email or print performance review
CleanQC Inspection Performance Review Print Screenshot

Real Stories from Cleaning Business Owners, Like YOU.

Carolina Alvarez

J&S Building Maintenance Inc

Paul Cook

CBM Services Ltd.

Edwin Eaton

IPro Building Services, LLC

William Flores

Spruce LLC

  • Carolina Alvarez

    J&S Building Maintenance Inc

  • Paul Cook

    CBM Services Ltd.

  • Edwin Eaton

    IPro Building Services, LLC

  • William Flores

    Spruce LLC

  • 888-531-4878

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