Easy Entry!

Ratings on the inspection are conveniently pre-set, so you’ll only need to change them for any areas where you find cleaning issues. 

That’s right, simply leave the rating ‘as is’ or click-on your own grading for cleanliness, saving time, every time you inspect. 

The rating is instantly updated and used to re-calculate an average score for that particular area of the building.

CleanQC Rating Screenshot
CleanQC Inspection Overview Screenshot

Real Stories from Cleaning Business Owners, Like YOU.

Carolina Alvarez

J&S Building Maintenance Inc

Paul Cook

CBM Services Ltd.

Edwin Eaton

IPro Building Services, LLC

William Flores

Spruce LLC

  • Carolina Alvarez

    J&S Building Maintenance Inc

  • Paul Cook

    CBM Services Ltd.

  • Edwin Eaton

    IPro Building Services, LLC

  • William Flores

    Spruce LLC

  • 888-531-4878

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