
{modal|iframe=1|width=667|height=480}Calendar Management Demo{/modal}Using online, cloud based janitorial software like our bonus mobile calendar can be a great way to keep your commercial janitorial or residential house cleaning business organized.

When you’re first starting a cleaning business, it may not seem necessary, but the more successful your company becomes and more contracts you land – the more challenging it can be to keep track of critical appointments and to-dos.

We think you’ll quickly find our mobile calendar is just what you’ve been looking for to quickly and easily organize your business and personal schedules. And it syncs with your prospect and customer profiles too.

Say goodbye to writing endless reminders about upcoming building walkthroughs, customer service calls and sales presentations. You can set up automatic email reminders and enter detailed notes so you can review important related information beforehand.

Plus, you can view the schedule in convenient day, week or month views, or as items in a chronological list. You’ll also appreciate having a convenient search feature to quickly find important prospect and customer files, as well as notes and other appointments.

This online calendar is mobile, going wherever you go, so you can enter notes, set up meetings or create reminders for things you want or need to do anytime, from anywhere.

And, you can add to-do’s to your calendar without syncing them to a customer. So, if you have a personal appointment in the middle of the day, you can plan your schedule accordingly.

The time and effort required to successfully and steadily add new office cleaning jobs requires business owners to stay organized. Using a mobile calendar feature can be an effective and reliable tool to do just that – and, it’s one is just one of three bonuses you’ll enjoy absolutely free when you are an active CleanGuru Member.

Watch the video on this page for a quick demonstration of our mobile calendar to see how it can make your job easier and your business more profitable.


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