Do you suggest specific Social Media?

We believe where commercial cleaning companies and residential house cleaning services decide to share their message, while important, is not nearly as important as – the message itself.

So, rather than chase after the latest hot social media trend, we teach how to consistently create compelling marketing messages about your unique cleaning business to ‘attract rather than chase’ new accounts.

However, where you decide to promote your message is something we discuss in this video coaching series because it shows how well you know your target market, as well as, the most efficient and effective ways to reach them.

Our ‘message-driven marketing’ is what we believe – improve results, regardless of whether you use direct mail, web site presence or Social Media.

Plus, we discuss the critical concept of having a systematic approach to your marketing; one designed to create a steady, on-going stream of interest from new prospects – rather than the choppy response an on-again, off-again approach can bring.
