Easy Invoicing Program for Cleaning Businesses

Who says INVOICING has to be boring??

Not this time. Designed specifically for YOU, the busy cleaning business owner, this NEW invoicing program is super easy to use and because it’s database connected, you’ll get an…

  • Instant ‘SNAPSHOT’ of every Appt, Bid, Work Ticket AND Invoice by Customer
  • No more struggling…to bill for poly/paper supplies; ‘click’ and bill for restroom products like toilet tissue and hand towels 
  • Practically write themselves… pre-written service descriptions make setting up templates to auto-bill… a breeze 
  • Proud as a peacock….seeing your invoices printed or emailed automatically & displaying your company info and logo
  • Relax, They got it!…. email verification shows invoice was delivered successfully
  • Relax, They read it!… history shows ‘date & time’ customer viewed invoice

That’s right, INVOICING designed for cleaning businesses. Plus, CleanBid and CleanSucess Members get access to the entire invoicing program absolutely FREE.


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