
What Successful Janitorial Selling Doesn’t Look Like!

What Successful Janitorial Selling Doesn’t Look Like

Knowing what NOT to do can be as helpful as knowing what to do. Bad selling habits like the ones described in this short video can cost you sales – plain and simple. But studying what NOT to do when you’re selling can just as quickly ‘jump start’ your selling technique and sales results. Watch […]

Get Filed To Get Hired!

Get filed…to get hired. It’s an insider tip that still works even in today’s online world. Specifically, you want to get your company info. i.e. sales letter, brochures etc. into your prospect’s hands and then into their file – the one they keep in their office about cleaning. Oh, and I’m not talking about sneaking […]

How Janitorial Salespeople Can Turn ‘Prospects into Clients’ Faster!

How Janitorial Salespeople Can Turn Prospects into Clients Faster

It’s not magic! Earning your janitorial prospects trust takes time – BUT, you can shorten the time it takes by watching this short video – where we reveal specific steps you can take, starting now, to give you more chances to ‘get to know your prospect’ and for them to get to ‘know and trust […]

The S.M.A.R.T Call

So what do you do once you have a list of targeted companies; the actual names and addresses of the accounts you want to go after? You make S.M.A.R.T calls. What’s that? Well, “SMART” calls are phone calls that help you learn specific facts about every prospect on your list. Here’s what a SMART call […]

The Secret to Selling Commercial Cleaning Part 2

The Secret to Selling Commercial Cleaning Part 2

What does successful selling of cleaning contracts look like? Well, that’s what we’ll reveal in this second episode of ‘The Secret to Selling Commercial Cleaning’. That’s right, we’re going to get get down to the bigger secret is to selling cleaning contracts – not just once, but consistently! Well, before you’re done watching this episode […]

Should You Call Or Send?

Should you call your prospect – or send them something? It’s an important question. And the answer is… well, both. But in our strategy, we do each for very different reasons. Call? Yes, we suggest calling, but primarily to identify the name of the person who is the decision maker; the one who hires the […]

The Secret to Selling Commercial Cleaning Part 1

The Secret to Selling Commercial Cleaning Part 1

Is it a learning a set of magic ‘selling’ words or phrases? Is it just being really friendly and outgoing? Or is it something else? Well, that’s what we begin to reveal in this first episode of ‘The Secret to Selling Commercial Cleaning’. That’s right, we’re going to get rid of many of the ‘things’ […]

Something Every Six Weeks!

How often should you make contact with the companies on your target list? Answer: We suggest you make some kind of contact with them no less than every six weeks! Let me quickly explain. Last time, we left off talking about the importance of positioning your company as the next solution to your prospect’s cleaning […]

The MOST Important ‘Thing’ on Your Janitorial Business Website!

The MOST Important Thing on Your Janitorial Business Website

Name, rank and serial number. That’s about all you get on most websites; well it’s not enough, at least not if you want to crank up the engines on turning prospects into customers!! Fortunately, there is something you can easily add to your website that does just that – a way for people to get […]

Aim To Be Next!

We always hear “aim to be first”. Well, if you want to grow like crazy in the cleaning biz, here’s a secret: Aim to be NEXT! Not second, but NEXT! Next in line. Next in the mind of your prospect. The next one to get the account. If your prospect is looking at switching cleaning […]


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