
Should You Change the NAME of Your Janitorial Business?

Should You Change the NAME of Your Janitorial Business

Should you change the name of your cleaning business? Well, maybe, maybe not – it depends on some important things – several of the most critical of which we’ll reveal in this video. Make the right decision, and you may find you have a strong branded identity in the marketplace. On the other hand, make […]

Picture Something!

Would you do me a favor? Here it is…. Picture something. That’s right, I know it may sound lame, but stop for just a second and try to picture exactly what you’d like your cleaning business to be like. Take a moment to really think about it… If you could make a wish… and see […]

What Janitorial Businesses Need To Prove To Prospects: Credibility & Believability

What Janitorial Businesses Need To Prove To Prospects

What CAN you do? What WILL you do? Your janitorial business’ prospects want to know the answers to both questions before they decide to hire you. Can you blame them? Don’t we all feel that same way when we hire a plumber or electrician? Watch this short video where we’ll explain why your janitorial prospects […]

Do You Ever Feel Like A Punching Bag?

Do you ever feel like a punching bag… in your cleaning business? Well, if so, you’re not the only one, because that’s exactly how we felt. Let me tell you our story…. For too many exhausting years, our cleaning business “pounded” on us, every day. It was bad. Tony and I were just barely making […]

Why Janitorial Businesses Should use EMOTION in Their Marketing

Why Janitorial Businesses Should use EMOTION in Their Marketing

Why doesn’t the phone ring? Why don’t cleaning prospects call? You may feel you’ve done a good job of logically showing why you’re janitorial business’ prospects should call you and hire you, but truth is there not; at least not as much as you’d like. Watch this short video where we reveal what may be […]

How Many Brochures Should Janitorial Businesses Send?

How Many Brochures Should Janitorial Businesses Send

10? 100? 1000? How many marketing pieces should you send out to get the number of new janitorial leads you’re shooting for each month? It’s an important question because it may determine whether you’ll be looking at having too few, too many or just the right amount of leads. So, rather than guess how many […]

Janitorial Business: The ONE-Word Secret to Getting Testimonials

The ONE-Word Secret to Getting Testimonials

Everybody wants them, but not everybody has them. What’s that? Well, testimonials. And if you’re in the cleaning business, you know just how valuable it can be to have a number of glowing testimonials about your ability to consistently deliver superior service. So, if we all agree on that, then why do so few janitorial […]

How Often Should Janitorial Businesses Contact Prospects?

How Often Should Janitorial Businesses Contact Prospects

Don’t make the mistake we made! What’s that? Well, when our janitorial cleaning business was busy – we completely stopped contacting our prospects. And when things were slow – we called them too much. That’s right, we ‘hounded’ them. Both strategies were a mistake. But, we learned better. We discovered how often to contact them […]

The Secret to Marketing and Selling Janitorial Services: Aim to be NEXT

The Secret to Marketing and Selling Janitorial Services

It’s not what you’re used to hearing, is it? No, you’re used to hearing how you have to land the sale, NOW, whatever it takes. We say, ‘Baloney!”. But, don’t think that means we’re willing to accept anything less than having a cleaning business that’s fast growing, profitable and fun to run. It doesn’t. In […]

How Your Janitorial Business Can Stay Within Arms Reach of Prospects

Your Janitorial Business Can Stay Within Arms Reach of Prospects

It’s not sexy. It’s not the latest marketing fad in cleaning business. It doesn’t have to be. What are we talking about? Direct Mail. That’s right- good, old-fashioned, direct mail. It’s the marketing method that went the way of the pet rock and the hula hoop if you believed the ‘internet is everything’ guys. We […]


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