You probably know the answer.
That’s right – the one thing you should ask everyone of your clients or employees who leaves is…
We know too many clients or employees leaving can fuel the feeling that you’re – building on sand.
So, while there are some cases, a few, where you wouldn’t mind a seeing problem employee or client leave, most times, we prefer our ‘folks’ -STAY.
I know, it’s sort of obvious.
But, what can be less obvious is that finding out the ‘REAL reasons WHY’ can be – useful.
The real reasons why clients and cleaners leave can provide important insight into the ‘things’ that are really bugging them.
Some reasons are easy to image…not enough pay, not enough hours.
Others can be less obvious but potentially even more important., such as….
Employees – NOT feeling anyone cared once they got trained and placed at an account.
Employees – NOT feeling recognized for big efforts they made to deliver exceptional service, let alone – for simply delivering quality cleaning – dependably, night after night.
Customers – feeling ignored once the contract was signed
Customers – feeling taken advantage IF the excitement and ‘full court press’ of the start up deteriorates into ‘taking them for granted’ and not even delivering on the nightly commitment of office cleaning hours
It’s hard to ask WHY because:
1) it can be humbling and embarrassing and
2) you may not like what you hear.
But, if you do ask – you may learn valuable things about what you can do to make things, not just better – but a LOT better.
You Can Do This, You Really Can,