Cleaning Business Tip: Their Pain vs My Gain

Whether you’re starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing commercial cleaning, janitorial or residential cleaning company – profitable. In these videos Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing and inspection software/app to proven marketing strategies to help you grow.

It’s easy to fall into.  We’ve all been there.  We get so excited about building something or selling something we’re proud of – and, we can quickly forget, that the thing we’re building and the thing we’re selling only matters – in only really matters to clients – in how it can help THEM.

Check out today’s fast paced video, where Dan talks about how easily it is for our own desires and pride can get in the way of us – really connecting with prospective customers.  And, then talks about what can really help us connect with them.

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Thanks for watching our video Their Pain vs My Gain, and be sure to listen to, Cleaning Business Tip: Better Off NOT Saying THIS, where Dan explains how the ‘automatic’ responses we might think are professional, may actually do more harm than good, when the person saying them isn’t engages and being real/genuine with the person they’re speaking to.  And, how this is an opportunity

Plus, we hope you continue to heck out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably.  You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable.  Want to flip yours?


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