He Wasn’t Listening
Whether you’re just starting a cleaning business or simply want to learn new and better ways to keep your existing janitorial or residential cleaning company profitable, in these videos Dan covers everything from the latest trends in janitorial bidding, invoicing and inspection software to proven marketing strategies to help you grow.
I very likely would have bought more the next time, if he would have listened to me this time. Let me explain.
Check out today’s fast paced video where Dan shares a story about a recent trip to the local sporting goods store where an energetic, but misguided salesman’s desire to hard sell something, may have lost him selling lots of things to me in the future; a lesson all of us need to be reminded of.

Thanks for watching our video, He Wasn’t Listening but also be sure to listen to Vacation Lesson where Dan shares something that happened when he and his family were on vacation and how he learned a simple trick to building fun and relationship. He encourages business owners to come up with ways to apply the idea to achieve results while building camaraderie in their own companies.
Plus, we hope you continue to check out Dan’s weekly videos in the future to hear his latest ideas, tips and strategies ‘concerning things you’re concerned about’, such as how to bid cleaning jobs profitably. You’ll quickly discover practical keys about what it really takes to flip a cleaning company from painful to profitable. Want to flip yours?
2020-05-03 00:40:59
Good Morning"Mr Dan hope you are well,and please i appreciate a lot for the video i have just watched it really good,so please Mr Dan i would like you to assist me on how best i can be in business since i have a company which does cleaning special Aircraft cleaning.currently we do aircraft cleaning for our national Airline,and do much stucked with some machines such as carpet machines as well as vaccum,i was about to get a contract to clean Ethiopean airways and Qatar airways but was suspeded due to covid 19,which i am not quite show if they will still engauge us once they resume prodution again.and thank you so much in advance sir hope to develop fruitfull business relationship with you soon.
2020-05-07 10:50:27
Hi Kabelo, glad to hear you enjoy my videos. I'm sorry that your business like so many others has been negatively affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. I'm sorry, I don't have any personal business experience in the field of specialty aircraft cleaning. However, here are some more general tips for growing/marketing for a cleaning service. Hope they help and that your soon able to re-start the work you perform for you airline clients. Dan Plus, here are four (4) key marketing strategies to consider 1. Decide on who you want to clean. Rather than a broad, shotgun approach, we suggest cleaning businesses target a certain type of building or customer ( i.e. medical and professional offices that require 3-5 nights per week cleaning that can be performed in the evening after 5 PM.) 2. Once, you determine who you want to clean, we suggest you build a list of companies that meet that criteria. There are many ways to do this such as using online business list services. 3. Next, you can call each location to determine the name of the person or persons responsible for hiring the cleaning service at the buildings on your list. 4. Then, we recommend you begin to send a series of powerful direct-response marketing pieces to the attention of the decision maker (the person in charge of hiring the cleaning service) at the businesses on your targeted list, following a preset schedule. The creation of the powerful messages, including Measurable Guarantees of Performance, and proper formatting of the necessary elements of an effective marketing piece are some of the most important, yet challenging, parts of the process. We worked hard to make sure our marketing message was much more powerful than ‘We are bonded, licensed and insured.’ As you can imagine, there is a great deal that goes into effectively implementing the steps and strategies above, but we hope you find the information provided above useful.
2021-08-13 14:50:15
Hey,Dan! That was a very good video and so true. I realize the importance of being a good listener. I want clients that can tell me exactly what they need, so I can deliver quality service to them. Hip-Hip Hooray! Thanks, Dan.
2021-08-16 09:57:52
Thanks Brenda, wishing you all good things, Dan
2021-10-10 22:44:20
Thanks for sharing!
2022-02-11 19:17:38
Great story, Dan! I have been in the similar situation when I tried to convince a prospective client about our services. I tried so hard to create a vivid picture of how her office will be sparkle, shine, smell great, etc. not realizing that all she wanted is to have a "normal regular" office cleaning and save money. Truly, the listening and being aware of clients needs is a key to success! Thank you for sharing!
2022-02-14 07:54:16
Thanks Irina, glad you found the video helpful. Wishing you all the best, Dan
2022-04-22 16:24:22
Let me start by saying how impressed I am with each process from the moment I landed on your website. I was searching for a system that would be able to help me figure out pricing, invoicing, payment gateway, just a system for newbies like myself. When I downloaded the cleanbid app and went through it click by click I said out loud that I can definitely see me using this. It was simple to understand, made me feel encouraged. The follow up emails and their content brings clarity. Like the "he wasn't listening" story. Looking forward to now taking the step to doing my first walk-through. So far so good. Love your system already.
2022-04-26 08:25:05
Thanks Charlotte, what a wonderful note! So happy you are finding the features we offer in our software and our it works - to be easy to understand and use. We are grateful and proud to have you with us. As you begin to use our program, and have any issues or questions, please just call. We'd be happy to help, Matt, CleanGuru Support 888-531-4878
2023-11-03 14:02:23
Thanks for your help
2024-01-25 19:39:01
Dan, I like the studio version it sounds better than in the office, great advice, thanks
2024-05-21 12:35:23
Hi Dan, that is a lesson I learned early in my career in business. When you listen intentionally to the prospective customer and then deliver exactly what they want, not only are you the hero, but you get repeat business from them. I know, my wife says I don't listen, but I really do!
2024-05-22 04:59:02
Hey Don, thanks, I appreciated your message :) Dan
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