Targeted Lists Get Maximum Results!

In the movie, The Patriot, Mel Gibson in his role as a revolutionary war patriot, asks his young sons if they remember what he taught them about using a rifle was THE key to good marksmanship.

They do, and quickly answer together, “Aim small, miss small!”

They knew if they wanted to improve their chances of hitting the target, they needed to narrow down their view, and focus their attention.

Same thing is true for hitting any target.

We’ve already touched on this before, when we talked about the importance of deciding which kind of accounts you want to clean, your niche, and which you don’t.

Today, we want to look at creating a very select group, or list, of highly targeted prospect companies – ones that have as many of the characteristics you’re looking for as possible.

Your target list may consist of 50, 500 or more prospective buildings, a lot depends on the kind of accounts you want.

For example, if you’re going after post-construction clean-up work within 50 miles of your office, you may to have a small list of say, only 25 general contractors – who you want to direct the focus of your your marketing efforts towards.

If your looking to do residential, home cleaning, you may have hundreds or even a thousand or more homes that fall into your targeted service area with the demographics you’re looking for.

As we’ve mentioned, our niche was providing general office cleaning and related services, three to five night per week in the early evening to professional, industrial, and manufacturing facilities
within 50 miles of our office.

We worked on narrowing down our list as much as possible!

We determined our very best accounts would be professional, industrial and manufacturing companies that had between 25-150 employees.

Why 25 -150 employees?

Because those were the companies that generally had enough employees to warrant hiring a cleaning service… but not so many they handled the cleaning themselves using their own in-house staff.

Interestingly, a lot has changed in recent years.

Now, with the increased trend towards outsourcing…even companies with 250 or more employees became good prospects for us.

Anyway, back to the story;

We used a business database company to find out who met our guidelines and came up with a list of about 375 companies that “fit the bill”.

That was our target -the companies we would direct our marketing efforts towards.

You can do the same thing.

Find out who your absolutely best accounts would be, and make a targeted list of them.

Soon, we’ll explain what to do next, once you have your target list. For now, remember… Aim Small – Miss Small.

You Can Do This, You Really Can!


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You're welcome Devine, glad you found the message helpful. Wishing you all the best, Dan

Devine Crenshaw

Thanks Dan, this message couldn’t have come at a better time. Definitely the reassurance I needed to move forward with readjusting our target market.
