Just Being ‘Green’ Isn’t Going to Save a Cleaning Business!

It’s a constant drumbeat.

Frankly, it’s just about the only thing you hear

You know what I’m talking about...

Green Cleaning!

Yep, cleaning companies are ‘climbing all over each other’ so they don’t miss out on announcing to the world… ‘We’re GREEN!’

It’s said a million different ways…

* ‘We offer GREEN cleaning!’
* ‘We’re GREEN cleaning specialists!’
* ‘We use only GREEN products!’
* ‘We follow only GREEN cleaning methods!’

Great, we get it, you’re “green” -but, what else
are you?

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not criticizing the push towards the use of environmentally friendly, ‘green’ products and practices.

Indoor air pollution is a serious issue and the use of these ‘green’ products promises to to go a long way in tackling the problem.

So, I’m not lookin’ for a fight! Nope. I’m simply saying..

If you think getting on the ‘green train’ is going to be a fast ticket to fame and fortune in the cleaning business, better think again!

That’s right, just being ‘green’ isn’t going to cut it!

How can I say that?

That’s all you ever read about anymore, isn’t it? …how environmentally friendly, ‘green’ products and methods are the future.

Case closed. Right?

Well, maybe… maybe not.

Let me explain.

If you’re asking me if the use of these ‘green’ products and methods are going to be an essential part of what any professional cleaning company offers their customers and train their employees on… then YES, absolutely!

In fact, I would go so far as to say – in the future, I could see it become a part of what is considered  ‘standard’ janitorial office-cleaning.

So, yeah, I think it’s important.

But, if you’re asking me if this is going to be the ONLY ticket you need to build a fast growing and profitable cleaning company… then, I’ve got to say –   NO, not by a long shot.

Wouldn’t it be great, if it could?

Really, wouldn’t it be great if all you had to do was find out about ‘green’ products, train your people on ‘green’ methods, and then announce to all your prospective clients that you were now.. GREEN … and they’d come flocking to you in droves begging YOU to clean their building…

Ahhhh… that would be a sweet dream… but that’s all it is…. a dream!

But, if you’re honest with yourself, and think about it, you know, nothing’s that easy. Nothing of value, nothing you can count on. Nothing that lasts.

No, the truth is…if the future is likely going to force everyone…the willing, and unwilling, to get on board the ‘green train’… well, then in a short time, guess what?

That’s right, in theory, everyone will then be using affordable and readily available ‘green’ products and having their people following easy to learn ‘green’ methods.

And, then how SPECIAL will any one of them be more than another… if they’re all ‘GREEN’?

That’s right, not very!

So, if just being ‘green’ isn’t going to give you the competitive edge, what will?

Like always… it’s the ‘stuff’ that requires a little bit of ‘heavy lifting’,at least at first.

Remember, all the things we talked about that help set us apart from the competition.

Things like… creating automatic and tireless systems to effectively manage every part of your commercial or residential cleaninng business. (see prior e-newsletters)

Things like… developing productivity strategies to utilize only the most effective and efficient equipment, products, training and quality control methods available for your janitorial business.

Things like… expanding your range of services to include ‘day cleaning’ as an alternative to those willing to allow cleaning to be done during regular business hours with the prospect of improved quality, lower turnover, along with reduced utility costs i.e. lights, A/C, heat.

Things like… creating MGP’s, Measurable Guarantees of Performance, or what some experts call USP’s, Unique Selling Propositions, or what others call UCA’s, Unique Competitive Advantages. (see prior e-newsletters)

Things like…creating an effective, ongoing marketing program consisting of a series of pre-scheduled steps such as powerful direct mail pieces. (see prior e-newsletters)

These are the ‘things’ that can give you a strong and lasting competitive edge on your competition.

In summary: Being ‘green’ is just one of the ‘things’ you’ll need to be successful… NOT the ONLY thing!

Discover the Guru in YOU,



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