It would be great if simply getting your cleaning company up and running on sites like facebook and LinkedIn was all it took to bring in a steady stream of new business.
But, of course – it isn’t. Why?
Well, because social media sites are simply one form of marketing medium.
A great one.
A popular, interactive one – but, just a marketing medium, a way to get your message to those individuals you hope to develop a business relationships with.
In fact, to think that social media is MORE than that could actually do more harm than good. Really.
Here’s how – by leading a commercial cleaning or residential maid service to think their marketing work is done once they have a social media presence.
The real work of marketing is front-end loaded – like painting a house.
The hard part of painting a house is in the preparation; scraping, sanding and edging in the walls – before the relatively easy part of rolling on the rest of the paint.
So, it is in the cleaning business.
The hard part of marketing is making important changes in your janitorial business so you can consistently deliver something valuable to your clients your competition cannot.
Doing THAT gives you something important, something compelling to say – a message.
Then Social Media becomes an exciting medium to share your exciting message.
You can do this, you really can!